Notice Board


The latest NABI NEWSLETTER No. 29
is available . Happy viewing/reading.




Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh
(Dates : 13-15 Feb. 2025)


Burn Units and Burn Care providers in India

It is with pride that I announce that we have finally managed to collect the data regarding the burn care units and major burn care providers in our country, though few centers that are not in our knowledge, may have been missed but at least we can say which are the major units in different states where patient can get access to burn care.

It is heartening to observe that there are total 67 centers in the country providing burn care of which 29 are Government and 38 are in the private sector . Total number of 1339 beds are available for burns patients in our country but out of these there are only 297 ICU beds for burn care. Sadly there are only 8 Skin banks available in our country. So it is obvious that there is a wide gap between the number of patients sustaining burns every year (7 million) and requiring treatment (7 lacs) and versus number of beds available for treatment ( 1339).

This proves that we still have a long way to go if we have to provide total burn care to all the victims of burns in our country. For this we need support from the government to open more burn care units under the National Burn Prevention Programme. We also need more plastic surgeons as well as general surgeons to take interest in Burns and take the initiative of opening more state of the art burn units in the private sectors.


The data available to us is being provided on an excel sheet and also depicted on the map of India for the reference of all the members of NABI as an when required.

In case any of the member has knowledge of any other burn care centre which is not included in the list, kindly send the details to the NABI secretary.


click here to download the Burn Care units in India ( excel format )